Light is the substrate that gives life and color: objectively, guarantees the survival and color of the plants, and so of the entire ecosystem; subjectively, it is thanks to the light that we see and transform the world as such around us.

A sunbeam is an interstice, a gap that opens up to allow for new ideas and a new look. This is what the Iluminarte Jardins exhibition is all about: to be a flash of light capable of creating a new space and moment.

Five Brazilian artists created works especially for this exhibition:

Paul von poser: I miss the Trianon
Rizza: enchantment
Leandro lima: Past Future
ale jordan: Natural Light
Rejane Cantoni: Floras

Check below the works of Paulo von Poser and images of his research and creation process, the following are images of the works of the participating artists and meetings promoted between curators and the public:

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